
Parameters to configure the routing calculations to the places in the response, both along a route (where result ranking will be influenced) and for calculating travel times on results.

JSON representation
  "origin": {
    object (LatLng)
  "travelMode": enum (TravelMode),
  "routeModifiers": {
    object (RouteModifiers)
  "routingPreference": enum (RoutingPreference)

object (LatLng)

Optional. An explicit routing origin that overrides the origin defined in the polyline. By default, the polyline origin is used.


enum (TravelMode)

Optional. The travel mode.


object (RouteModifiers)

Optional. The route modifiers.


enum (RoutingPreference)

Optional. Specifies how to compute the routing summaries. The server attempts to use the selected routing preference to compute the route. The traffic aware routing preference is only available for the DRIVE or TWO_WHEELER travelMode.


Travel mode options. These options map to what Routes API offers.

TRAVEL_MODE_UNSPECIFIED No travel mode specified. Defaults to DRIVE.
DRIVE Travel by passenger car.
BICYCLE Travel by bicycle. Not supported with searchAlongRouteParameters.
WALK Travel by walking. Not supported with searchAlongRouteParameters.
TWO_WHEELER Motorized two wheeled vehicles of all kinds such as scooters and motorcycles. Note that this is distinct from the BICYCLE travel mode which covers human-powered transport. Not supported with searchAlongRouteParameters. Only supported in those countries listed at Countries and regions supported for two-wheeled vehicles.


Encapsulates a set of optional conditions to satisfy when calculating the routes.

JSON representation
  "avoidTolls": boolean,
  "avoidHighways": boolean,
  "avoidFerries": boolean,
  "avoidIndoor": boolean


Optional. When set to true, avoids toll roads where reasonable, giving preference to routes not containing toll roads. Applies only to the DRIVE and TWO_WHEELER TravelMode.



Optional. When set to true, avoids highways where reasonable, giving preference to routes not containing highways. Applies only to the DRIVE and TWO_WHEELER TravelMode.



Optional. When set to true, avoids ferries where reasonable, giving preference to routes not containing ferries. Applies only to the DRIVE and TWO_WHEELER TravelMode.



Optional. When set to true, avoids navigating indoors where reasonable, giving preference to routes not containing indoor navigation. Applies only to the WALK TravelMode.


A set of values that specify factors to take into consideration when calculating the route.

ROUTING_PREFERENCE_UNSPECIFIED No routing preference specified. Default to TRAFFIC_UNAWARE.
TRAFFIC_UNAWARE Computes routes without taking live traffic conditions into consideration. Suitable when traffic conditions don't matter or are not applicable. Using this value produces the lowest latency. Note: For TravelMode DRIVE and TWO_WHEELER, the route and duration chosen are based on road network and average time-independent traffic conditions, not current road conditions. Consequently, routes may include roads that are temporarily closed. Results for a given request may vary over time due to changes in the road network, updated average traffic conditions, and the distributed nature of the service. Results may also vary between nearly-equivalent routes at any time or frequency.
TRAFFIC_AWARE Calculates routes taking live traffic conditions into consideration. In contrast to TRAFFIC_AWARE_OPTIMAL, some optimizations are applied to significantly reduce latency.
TRAFFIC_AWARE_OPTIMAL Calculates the routes taking live traffic conditions into consideration, without applying most performance optimizations. Using this value produces the highest latency.